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Total 0 Radiation Oncologists in Surat Gujarat are listed in DrData Directory

A Radiation Oncologist is a medical specialist doctor with training in the use of radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) to cure or reduce the symptoms of cancer, and in the overall care of cancer patients. Radiation oncologists work closely with other doctors such as surgical oncologists, interventional radiologists, internal medicine specialists, and medical oncologists as part of the multi-disciplinary cancer team. The degreeaftercompleting MBBS is MD (Radiotherapy) or DNB (Radiotherapy).

List of Radiation Oncologists in your city is now available online on DrData (Indian Medical Directory) where you can find contact number, email id and other important information of a Chemotherapists with Reviews and Ratings, Clinic OPD Timings, OPD Fees and the services they are offering you for diagnosis and treatment in the field of Radiation Oncology or Radiation Therapy.

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