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Total 0 Cosmetologists and Trichologists in Kolhapur Maharashtra are listed in DrData Directory

Cosmetologist is a beauty expert who takes care of people's hair, skin and nails. Many people consider Dermatologist and Cosmetologist to be the same. However, both are different from each other. Dermatologist is a doctor who provides the medical treatment related to conditions effecting skin, hair and nails. On the other hand, Cosmetologist is concerned with beauty treatment and they provides care for skin, hair and nails. Whereas; Trichologists are hair and scalp specialists (one type of skin specialist) who diagnose the causes of hair fall, hair breakage, hair thinning, miniaturization of hairs, diseases of the scalp and treat according to cause.

List of Cosmetologists and Trichologists in your city is now available online on DrData (Indian Medical Directory) where you can find contact number, email id and other important information of a Cosmetologist and Trichologist with Reviews and Ratings, Clinic Timings, Fees and the services they are offering you in the field of Cosmetology and Trichology.

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